Tag Archives: rtr cobb


Restaurant week is a great chance to go to places that you wouldn’t go to normally. Case in point: The Russian Tea Room. This is a famous NY destination known for their decor.

The Russian Tea Room

I’m not quite sure what the name of this guy riding a rooster (?) is called. I do find it very amusing though.

The check-in

Sure in 2010 we may have to manually check-in to locations. Just wait until 2050 where every second of your life is livestreamed and you get points for walking down the street and other inane things.

Ground floor seating

There are 4 dining floors in this restaurant. On this day, only the 1st and 2nd floors were open for seating. The bathroom was located downstairs past the coat check and gift shop. (Yes, RTR has a gift shop, for all your gift shopping needs.)

Braised beef pirozhki

The pirozhki was good, but I had no idea what to expect to be honest. Pirozhki + sour cream was a good combo. Imagine a Chinese dumpling with sour cream, no wait, don’t..

Red short ribs broth with pickled red beets

This broth tasted very light, so I have to assume that it is healthy and good for you. Especially with all the beets and veggies.

Roasted Beet and Arugula Salad

A healthy salad, I don’t think it was a lot, but hey, it’s NYC. That is a $18 salad in front of you.

The ceiling lighting fixtures

These red ornaments reminded me of Christmas

Filet of Beef

The filet was good. Even though the cut didn’t come out Medium Rare as requested, I still enjoyed the tenderness and flavor of it. Not as filling as the RTR Cobb though.

RTR Cobb Salad

The grilled chicken cobb salad. This didn’t feel like a traditional cobb salad, but it had a lot of chicken and salad portions. I would just call it a chicken salad.

Traditional cheesecake

This cheesecake was nice and rich. Just like the starters (appetizers), there is no way that it is worth $18 by itself.

Giant Fabergé egg tree

This is the 2nd floor of the RTR. Pretty baller decor. In the background you’ll see a glass bear, which contains..

Glass bear fish tank

Inside it’s belly, you will see fish swimming around. This is an incredible sight, the whole 2nd floor is overdone in an eye-widening manner

Bear fish tank belly

The Russian Tea Room is an amazingly decorated place, but the food (and accordingly priced said food) is not it’s strongest point