Tag Archives: free

Google Chelsea Free Wi-Fi: Mapped

Google is notorious for providing their employees free lunch.

Beginning today, certain Chelsea MTA subway stops have free Wi-FI.

Per Transit Wireless (the company Google teamed up with to offer the Wi-Fi), the following locations have Wi-Fi:

Let’s looked at these MTA stops mapped along with Google’s NYC headquarters:

Probably not a coincidence that these stops are the only MTA ones near Google.

Free Online CS Courses Taught by Stanford Faculty Q1 2012

Free Online Courses

I’m currently taking the free Intro to Databases course taught by the excellent Professor Widom. The course consists of video lectures with homework exercises, quizzes and midterms. There is also a helpful Q&A forum for students when you get stuck.

In the beginning of 2012, there are more free online courses available, including:

The classes are high quality and perfect for you if you can spend more than a few hours a week per course. As they are free, the courses don’t offer any official Stanford certificates, grades, or credit. You do get a Statement of Accomplishment from the instructor.

I’d recommend these courses to anyone as they are free, and any investment in your time will be easily rewarded with an understanding in increasingly relevant present-future topics.

Free Stanford Intro to Databases course

Starting October 10th, 2011:

A bold experiment in distributed education, “Introduction to Databases” is being offered free and online to students worldwide, October 10 – December 12, 2011. Students have access to lecture videos, are given assignments and exams, receive regular feedback on progress, and participate in a discussion forum. Those who successfully complete the course will receive a statement of accomplishment. Taught by Professor Jennifer Widom, the curriculum draws from Stanford’s popular Introduction to Databases course.

If you’re interested in software or technology, databases are incredibly relevant to modern day computing. This free course may be technologically tough, but it will reward you with insights that you will be able to apply somewhere.

Updated Free Kindle Forecast

The Kindle is now available for $114 with Special Offers (aka advertising).

Based on prior charts, I created an updated forecast:

The idea of the free Kindle explained by Kevin Kelly:

Since then I’ve mentioned this forecast to all kinds of folks. In August, 2010 I had the chance to point it out to Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon. He merely smiled and said, “Oh, you noticed that!” And then smiled again.

It is interesting that the forecasted free Kindle date is slipping. (Forecasted to be free after June 2011, then forecasted for after November 2011.)

The Nutropolitan Museum of Art

Billed as the World’s First PB&J Art Exhibit, The Nutropolitan Museum of Art is a worthwhile, fun event to check out while it lasts. It’s free to attend and the last day is Sunday, March 6th.

Note: The gallery exhibits below were conceived by Lee Zalben, photographed (so well) by Theresa Raffetto, and styled by Patty White.

201 Mulberry St

Exhibit Space

The only line is for the DIY peanut butter art room. They let you make a PB slice however you want and give you a free photo print afterwards.

DIY Sandwich Art Station

White on White

My non-contribution to society. White marshmallow creme with candy corn on white chocolate peanut butter spread onto white bread. And an Iron Man toothpick to top it off. Just keeping it classy.

Pizzelle Perfect exhibit

A pizzelle cookie based setup.

Starry Sandwich exhibit

Money Honey exhibit

Sandwich Artist exhibit

And we’re not talking about Subway here.

Peanut Buzzer Sandwich exhibit

Neat application of honeycomb. Honeycomb is photogenic.

All Hail the King exhibit

Shown above are just some of the great photographs at the peanut butter art open house. There are other great works, and while it’s not a huge exhibit, a free jar of peanut butter goes to both yourself and charity for attending.

Brooklyn We Rain Hard

Got soaked at the Chromeo concert yesterday in the ‘burg. It was easy to get to from the L, but the weather kept the crowd small.

Concert Banner

Still props to Jelly & OSA for letting it actually happen. The one next week is going on, but I don’t care for the artists.

Kent Ave line

While the gates “opened” at 2pm, it actually opened around 3:30pm.

East River State Park - Concert Stage

The crowd seemed to pick up during the last two acts, Kid Sister & Chromeo. This photo is from earlier in the afternoon.


They did a number of cover-type songs.

The Suzan on the stage

As you can see, I was on the left side looking towards the stage. The stage itself was extremely exposed to the weather, and there were numerous times where the staff had to get towels, bags, etc to keep the electronics dry.

The Suzan

The lead singers of The Suzan. The band hung out in the crowd after their set and didn’t disappear the second their act was done.


Towards the waterfront, there was apparently a dodgeball tournament while the bands were playing. Cool, I guess.

Charles Schumer

Introduced as a big fan of Chromeo, we have the Shumster on the stage. It’s cool that he wants the free BK shows to go on, and he announced the cancelled show (next week) will go on.

Kid Sister tearing it up on stage

I’m not familiar with Kid Sister, but apparently she is known in Chicagoland. The internets tells me she did a song with Kanye.

Kid Sister with some Chicago artist

I wasn’t able to catch his name, but here’s Kid Sister doing a bit with someone I assume is also from Chicagoland.

Fool's Gold

Ladies & Gentlemen, what you’re really here for. It’s the Fool’s Gold mascot in the crowd! Apparently all the acts in the free event are signed to Fool’s Gold.

Chromeo setup

It takes an army corps of peoples to set up for the 2 person act, Chromeo.

Dave 1 on the left, P-Thugg to the right

And Chromeo’s finally performing! Crap, security tells me I have to put away my camera?

Chromeo's dancers

I forget what they’re called. Chromettes?? No clue, but they came out for a song every so often.


And it’s getting dark… time to wrap up the concert.

While it rained and was pretty miserable moisture-wise (for me and my electronics), it was a great, free performance in NY.