I’m late to the party, but finally managed to try the Bian Dang truck. They’re known for the common Taiwanese dish, pork chop over rice.

Bian Dang line

Bian Dang logo

$4 is a lot for a zong-zi. I guess that’s the price you pay for convenience. Then again, I still seek out 5 for a dollar Chinatown dumplings, so maybe I’m not the target customer.

Pork Chop over Rice
Nice photo of the goods. $7 for a good amount of food. It’s two pork chops, but no tea egg.

Bian Dang - Food Court 32
This plate of pork chop over rice was taken earlier this year in February at their Ktown branch in Food Court 32. You get a lot more food for roughly the same price at their brick & mortar location.