I’m amazed how it’s already December. Better post the recent Thanksgiving Parade photos before they get dated.

Snoopy is in the house

Kermit the Frog is in the house

Diary of a Wimpy Kid is in the house

The street crowd at 70th St and CPW

some Ronald McDonald on Ice Skates

Uncle Sam with the thumbs up

The Statue of Liberty on a cold November morning

Miranda Cosgrove with Despicable Me minions

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!

Arrtie the Pirate - a recreated 1947 balloon

The Wiggleworm caught on camera

"Supercute Hello Kitty" with her fans

Shrek in the ogre swamp that is New York City

Takashi Murakami's (of LV fame) Kaikai

Takashi Murakami's (of LV fame) Kiki

Harold the Fireman - a recreated 1948 balloon

Kung Fu Panda joins the fray

Pikachu is peeking out

Mr. West is in the building / Swagger on a hundred thousand, trillion

Horton the elephant

*Insert your own Kool-Aid (R) Man joke here*

Buzz Lightyear to infinity and beyond!

The Energizer Bunny??? It's not a Thanksgiving parade without someone trying to sell you batteries?

The Pillsbury Doughboy floating by

It's Smurf time

Santa Claus is in the house

Questionable street vendor merchandise is in the house
(Hat tip to Gothamist for the list of balloon names)