Category Archives: Programming

Fix no matching provisioning profiles validation issue

Here’s a quick problem & solution that worked for me. Hopefully this helps others out there.


Validating an archive prior to submitting the build to the App Store, but it fails validation. I am using App Groups (for the phone app & watch app).


Validating my archive created two “no matching provisioning profiles found” errors. The error was specifically related to “none of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements betareports-active”.


In my case, my development was able to use App Groups, but the production/distribution environment was not setup yet.

Under Provisioning Profiles > Distribution (, create an Distribution / App Store for each App ID that you need. In my case, I had to create one for the phone app & one for the watchkit extension. Make sure to download each after generating them. Double click on your downloaded files to automatically load them into Xcode.

When I tried to validate my archive again, I was able to successfully validate (after generating & loading my new Provisioning Profiles).

Standing on the Shoulders of Documentation


Learning how to build a simple iOS app has not been bad. There’s a lot of learning how to find things in Xcode (protip: get a 2nd screen) and familiarizing myself with UIKit conventions. I completed the bitfountain iOS 7 course and have subscribed to more iOS newsletters than I care to admit.

At a meetup last year, I had a discussion about my choice to start with Objective-C. He asked me why I didn’t jump into Swift or use a tool like PhoneGap. Fast forward several months to today, I’m very happy I went with Objective-C. Whenever I am unsure how to do something in Objective-C, there are endless helpful blog posts and StackOverflow discussions out there. Even blog posts written before 2010 can be helpful. I am truly standing on the shoulders of all those heroic individuals who’ve tread down the path before me years ago.

With Swift, I’m sure there’s great documentation out there, but my guess is that Swift today (the beginning of 2015) cannot compete with the thoroughness of Objective-C edge cases discussed on the Internet.

Access to simple, basic questions like converting a NSUInteger to a NSNumber are essential for those just starting out. I’d like to use the example of an extremely beginner friendly resource, RailsCasts, which taught you how to use run of the mill gems, like Devise, and helped create a new generation of developers. Without a wealth of beginner accessible resources, a language or framework can’t grow or grow as fast.

iOS Programming

I’ve started learning iOS programming. Objective-C seems very low level, but it’s alright as an older object oriented language. Learning the Apple frameworks seems to the be tricky part. There’s a lot for me to learn with using Xcode (since I don’t normally use IDEs) and frameworks like Cocoa Touch.

I spoke to someone recently who suggested skipping Objective-C and going directly to Swift. Or even a tool like PhoneGap. Personally, I side with Aaron Hillegass’ take:

I have three messages for these people:

  • If you want to be an iOS developer, you will still need to know Objective-C.
  • Objective-C is easier to learn than Swift. Once you know Objective-C,
  • it will be easy to learn Swift.

To take a longer perspective on iOS, I want to build my foundation up from Objective-C to iOS. This is similar to how learning Ruby is critical for being a Rails developer.

With that said, I’m eager to get my hands dirty with iOS prototypes through different online courses.

How to unit test your JS and use it in the browser


Recently, I wanted to add test coverage to Halloween Bash and keep using it in the browser. This doesn’t seem to be an unreasonable request, but it turns out that it involves many things. You have many choices of test runners & testing frameworks, and I didn’t want to setup a [cci]SpecRunner.html[/cci] to unit test my JS.

The setup that I ended up using is:

What you’ll need:

  • Your HTML/JS project (You can use my demo project)
  • NodeJS (I recommend the Installer from the Node homepage – click “Install”)

Try out the demo app that squares your input.

With my demo, my file structure looks like:


There are countless ways to organize your non-html assets, and my demo asset structure is intended to be easy to follow.

My demo contains jquery and two unit testable lib functions (multiply & square):

// define multiply()
window.unitTestJsDemo.multiply = function(x, y) {
  return x*y;

// define square()
window.unitTestJsDemo.square = function(x) {
  return unitTestJsDemo.multiply(x, x);

Setup NodeJS & GulpJS

Once NodeJS is installed on your machine, setup your node environment:

npm init

The [cci]npm init[/cci] command will walk you through your project, ask you a series of questions, and setup your configuration in [cci]package.json[/cci].

Next, setup Gulp via npm on your command line:

// Install gulp globally
npm install -g gulp

// Install gulp in your project devDependencies
npm install --save-dev gulp

// Create a gulpfile.js at the root of your project
touch gulpfile.js

// gulpfile.js file contents
    var gulp = require('gulp');

    gulp.task('default', function() {
      // place code for your default task here

// Run gulp default task

You now have Node & Gulp setup to run your Gulp tasks. The default Gulp task doesn’t do anything, but you can try it out by running [cci]gulp[/cci].

Setup gulp-jasmine

Save gulp-jasmine into your gulpfile.js:

npm install --save-dev gulp-jasmine

Create your tests:

mkdir -p assets/js/spec/lib
touch assets/js/spec/lib/multiply-spec.js
touch assets/js/spec/lib/square-spec.js

[cci]assets/js/spec/lib/multiply-spec.js[/cci] will contain:

/* jslint node: true */
/* global describe, it, expect */

"use strict";

var multiply_lib = require('../../lib/multiply');

describe("#multiply", function () {
  it("returns the correct multiplied value", function () {
    var product = multiply_lib.multiply(2, 3);

[cci]assets/js/spec/lib/square-spec.js[/cci] will contain:

/* jslint node: true */
/* global describe, it, expect */

"use strict";

var square_lib = require('../../lib/square');

describe("#square", function () {
  it("returns the correct squared value", function () {
    var squared = square_lib.square(3);

Next, we’re going to move the unit testable functions (multiply & square) into node.js-style modules.

mkdir assets/js/lib
touch assets/js/lib/square.js
touch assets/js/lib/multiply.js

[cci]assets/js/lib/multiply.js[/cci] will contain:

exports.multiply = function(x, y) {

  "use strict";

  return x*y;

[cci]assets/js/lib/square.js[/cci] will contain:

var multiply_lib = require('./multiply');

exports.square = function(x) {

  "use strict";

  return multiply_lib.multiply(x, x);

Update your [cci]gulpfile.js[/cci] to run the tests:

"use strict";

// Include gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');

// Include plugins
var jasmine = require('gulp-jasmine');

// Test JS
gulp.task('specs', function () {
    return gulp.src('assets/js/spec/lib/*.js')

// Default Task
gulp.task('default', function() {
  // place code for your default task here

gulp.task('default', ['specs']);

You’ve created your libs (multiply & square), the lib specs (multiply-spec.js & square-spec.js), and setup Gulp to run your tests with Jasmine.

[cci]square.js[/cci] is setup to use the [cci]multiply.js[/cci] lib through the Node require module syntax. Woot!

You can run the default task, which is setup to run your specs task. It should look like:

$ gulp
[16:29:18] Using gulpfile your/path/unit-test-js-demo/gulpfile.js
[16:29:18] Starting 'specs'...
[16:29:18] Finished 'specs' after 44 ms
[16:29:18] Starting 'default'...
[16:29:18] Finished 'default' after 20 μs

Finished in 0.008 seconds
2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures

Great! Your modules are unit tested (feel free to add more tests), and you want to use them in the browser.

Browserify your JS

Up to this point, we’ve been using jQuery through our local file at [cci]/assets/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js[/cci]. We’ll want to get rid of managing jQuery ourselves and let Node manage our jQuery dependency.

Let’s create a new file for our page’s JS to organize itself around:

touch assets/js/app.js

Add jQuery to your dependencies and remove your local copy of jQuery:

npm install --save-dev jquery
rm assets/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js

[cci]assets/js/app.js[/cci] will contain:

var $           = require('jquery');
var square_lib  = require('./lib/square');

$(function() {

  "use strict";

  $("#squareValue").change(function() {
    var $this       = $(this),
        squareValue = $this.val(),

    // if squareValue is not numeric
    if (isNaN(squareValue)) {

      return false;

    // else squareValue is numeric
    } else {

      squareResult = square_lib.square(squareValue);
      return true;


Now we need to use Browserify to build our JS file with gulp.

Add Browserify related dependencies into your gulpfile and setup your new task:

npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify
npm install --save-dev vinyl-source-stream
npm install --save-dev gulp-streamify
npm install --save-dev browserify

Update your [cci]gulpfile.js[/cci] to include the new browserify task:

"use strict";

// Include gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');

// Include plugins
var jasmine     = require('gulp-jasmine');
var uglify      = require('gulp-uglify');
var source      = require('vinyl-source-stream'); // makes browserify bundle compatible with gulp
var streamify   = require('gulp-streamify');
var browserify  = require('browserify');

// Test JS
gulp.task('specs', function () {
    return gulp.src('assets/js/spec/lib/*.js')

// Concatenate, Browserify & Minify JS
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    return browserify('./assets/js/app.js').bundle()

// Default Task
gulp.task('default', function() {
  // place code for your default task here

gulp.task('default', ['specs', 'scripts']);

You’ll notice that we did a few things: declare new modules at the top through [cci]require[/cci], add a new gulp task called [cci]scripts[/cci], and update the default task to run our JS specs & scripts tasks.

At [cci]public/all.min.js[/cci], your new JS is ready to use in your browser.

Let’s remove the old file and update our [cci]index.html[/cci] to use our new minified JS:

rm assets/js/main.js 

Remove the following lines from [cci]index.html[/cci]:

< script src="assets/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js">
< script src="assets/js/main.js">

Add the following line into [cci]index.html[/cci]:

< script src="public/all.min.js">

Voila! Open up [cci]index.html[/cci] in your browser and your [cci]square()[/cci] function is working again.


GulpJS is an amazing tool to run tasks, and the Gulp streaming build system is very easy to read and understand.

There are countless tasks that you can setup on Gulp to lint your JS, compile your sass, etc. Livereload is useful for front end development.

Hopefully, the Unit Test JS demo helped you understand a simple example of using Gulp to run Jasmine unit tests and use the tested JS in your website.

Maintainable Client JavaScript

I’ve been reading Maintainable JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas lately. It has been very insightful into best practices across larger teams. When you have a large team and adopt a consistent coding style, it makes working across your codebase easier.

In Chapter 5 of the book, Zakas covers the UI as a mix of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. He mentions that tightly coupling these three layers makes it “impossible to make small changes without changing one or two other layers.

Also, I’ve been working with AngularJS recently. I understand the benefits of a front end framework to keep data in sync throughout your client. Angular fans tout the benefits of a SPA (single page application) framework.

As someone who strives to separate the structure (HTML) from the scripting (JS), Angular feels too tightly coupled to me. Angular works by tagging everything with [cci]ng-[/cci] and letting the magic work behind the scenes. The application dependencies are hardcoded everywhere in your HTML, and there is no way to swap your framework without changing your HTML drastically.

I’ve worked with Backbone in the past, and now I’m trying out Angular. At some point, I’ll probably try out Ember. I’d like a front end framework that plays well with Rails, so perhaps Ember will be fun.

Leaflet JS with Open MapQuest Tiles

With CloudMade changing their API to focus on enterprise customers, I had to find an alternative for hosted map tiles.

There’s a good gist from mourner that shows Leaflet.js TileLayer shortcuts at

Instead of the old CloudMade tile tutorial used on Leaflet:


L.tileLayer(‘http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png’, {
attribution: ‘proper attribution goes here’


You can use Open MapQuest:


L.tileLayer(‘http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png’, {
attribution: ‘proper attribution goes here’,
subdomains: [‘otile1’, ‘otile2’, ‘otile3’, ‘otile4’]


Just make sure your attribution properly reflects all your sources.

Misc Rails Integration Test Tips

I attended an Automated Testing meetup yesterday. In my experience, integration tests turn your speedy test suite into a slowpoke. Here are some different tips and gems to consider using in your tests:

  • rack_session_access Gem
    Instead of making a user log in with capybara, why not set the user_id in the session. This gem sounds amazing.
  • fuubar Gem
    Another way to format your test results. Perhaps you’d like to use a progress slider.
  • rspec-retry Gem
    If a test does not pass on the first try, you can run it again until it passes. This feels like a code smell. In the meetup, the speaker mentioned that they were running their tests against live web requests (instead of pre-recorded requests).
  • Page Objects
    Capybara syntax seems procedural since you are telling it to visit a path and click on things. With page objects, you can have DRY code that abstracts away all the step by step page interactions with something like [cci]ProjectPageObject.create[/cci]
  • View Tests
    Instead of doing full blown integration (feature) testing that uses a browser, you can try view tests that assert things are found on your page.

Hopefully you can use some of these tips to improve your test suite.

Ruby Gems Tip: Check Your Version

Quick ruby gems tip:

If you are having issues with a gem (and it seems like the issue has been resolved in the github repo), double check your gem version.

Even though I had the latest version of a gem by having [cci]gem ‘leaflet-rails'[/cci] in my Gemfile, the latest version wasn’t bumped up at (Note: Nothing against leaflet-rails, which is awesome. They’re simply used as a recent, real-life example. )

You can make sure you’re using the latest version of a gem (as it appears on github) by specifying the repo & commit hash:

[cc]gem ‘leaflet-rails’, git: ‘’, ref: ‘0f50faaa35d41e8ba24c73c97d265e061b159d81′[/cc]

This will lock the specific commit in place in your Gemfile.lock

iOS Simulator

When previewing a site on my iPhone (1136 x 640), I wasn’t satisfied with using my iPhone 5 or a Chrome browser Window Resizer app.

Turns out it’s super simple to use the iOS Simulator with Xcode on OS X (version 10.8.5).

Select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulator


You’ll be presented with an iPhone to navigate within. Select Safari and you can use a site like localhost:3000 for development.


Code Reuse


I’m reading Sandi Metz’s POODR book, and it is an invaluable resource for becoming a better OO programmer.

While many people are familiar with technical debt (the idea that you cut corners today to ship code today at the expense of the future), Sandi Metz brings up code reuse as another example of code written today that affects the quality of your future code.

From POODR, page 31:

Other programmers will reuse the methods instead of duplicating the code. They will follow the pattern you have established and create small, reusable methods in turn. This coding style propagates itself.

While you should always be striving to write good code, code reuse means that your code sets an example for future developers working in your code base. Your code today acts as a guidebook for future visitors showing what is acceptable practice. Your code patterns today will propagate throughout your future code base.

What does this mean? Well, Captain Obvious, it means the code you write today will impact your future codebase in countless ways.