Went to Uniqlo SoHo today, the line was insane. The checkout cashiers told me that people waited as much as 19 hours (overnight basically). While I would expect a big turnout for Kojima, I underestimated a city that has people wait at Apple stores for no reason than to get some publicity for their free time (see iPad launch).

Kojima signing things on the mezzanine
Uniqlo is an affordable Japanese clothing brand that carries everyday basics.

Kojima's surround
A closer shot of Kojima surrounded by press, staff, and security.
The signing event was Noon – 2pm. I was there during the first hour, but I don’t know how long he stayed at Uniqlo. From people in line I spoke to, you had to get in line before 9AM to stand a good chance of having your stuff signed.

Yes, he's in a clothing store

Autograph line on the ground floor
This line continued out the store, around the block (and around a few more blocks?). Uniqlo isn’t even the corner store, FYI

Kojima with a fan
He must be used to signing stuff and his rockstar status among gamers.

Retail display about MGS Peace Walker
There were a variety of MGS shirts on sale for just over $15. I liked the MGS designs, but I don’t necessarily like the “Peace Walker” logo on the backside

MGS T's for sale
Kojima himself was wearing one of the Uniqlo shirts that said “BIG BOSS.” I got one of those for myself, but I don’t know how often I would wear it out

Cardboard boxes don't get any better than this folks!
Gotta love being able to hide from super serious, genetically enhanced guards in a cardboard box

Event postcard
This event had great turnout as expected. Kojima has so many fans, and I’m glad that he was able to come out and promote MGS for the fans
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